Artist Statement

Early in my childhood I dreamt of building wonderful cities. Tall needle spires of glass and metallic surfaces which gleamed in the sun. As I matured, my passion shifted to the splendor of nature. I remain drawn to how sunlight transforms the world around us. In the muted sunlight of the early morning, a soft mist is visible rising out of a newly plowed field. Or, how a tight shaft of light sparkles against a cocoon.
My medium of choice is watercolor. Watercolor’s transparent quality allows me to play with the sunlight, and create vibrant photo-realistic paintings. I am a purest. I use just the surface of the paper to create white. I employ distilled water to limit any impurities which may impact the color. My Giclee’s are superior not only in their detail, but the inks are eco-friendly, paper is green, and renewable.

I paint from photographs, they are either in the current digital format, photographs or slides. The latter two formats are scanned to create a digital image. The selected photograph is then printed in both color and grey scale. The grey scale image is printed on paper measuring 8-1/2″ x 11″. My process starts with the drawing of a 1/4″ grid on the grey scale image. Within each grid square, the shape, image or design is then meticulously reproduced on the paper size selected. I continue this process square by square to precisely complete the entire photograph.

I lean towards photorealistic watercolors, this process allows me to intricate drawings to any scale. Color is added slowly, allowing the colors to bleed and blend on the paper. I select pigments which are classified as transparent to semi-transparent. I mix my paints with distilled water only. I feel this is just another effort to keep my colors clean and bright. My Clients are amazed my paintings are watercolors.

I am in awe, and constantly fascinated on the splendor of the world around us. I am equally comfortable creating landscapes or macro up close images. I strive to create paintings which emulate my passion for all stages of life found in nature. Be that the new green of spring, or the bright colors of fall. I hope, who ever views my work, will share in my awe and fascination of the complexity and beauty of the world all around us.

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